PubbliTesi è un archivio bibliografico e di diffusione delle Migliori Tesi di Laurea Specialistica e di Dottorato di Ricerca, presentate negli Atenei italiani, e delle Prove pratiche d’Esame di Laurea Specialistica svolte nella Scuole di Alta Formazione Musicale italiane, realizzato dal CNR e dall’Inforav, in collaborazione con le Università e con il patrocinio del MIUR (

PubbliTesi - La Tesi
International migration and remittances: a look at the European perspective and the relevance of their dynamic patterns in Albania
Scheda Sintetica

Autore: Mirela Gavoci
Relatore: Mariacristina Rossi
Università: Università degli Studi di Torino
Facoltà: Dipartimento Scienze economico-sociali e matematico-statistiche
Corso: Corso di Laurea magistrale in Economics
Data di Discussione: 20/11/2012
Voto: 109
Disciplina: Growth And Development
Tipo di Tesi: Tesi di Ricerca
Altri Relatori: Matteo Migheli
Lingua: Lingua Inglese
Grande Area: Area Sociale
Settori Interessati: Ricerca in ambito sociale, economico, statistico, politico, storico, varie imprese ed associazioni.

International migration is a prominent feature of globalization and one of the defining issues of this century. It has generated substantial welfare gains for migrants, their countries of origin, and the countries to which they migrate. Additionally, remittances have proved to be a reality strictly chained to the migration event. The core of this thesis presents a study of the possible impact of sending remittances back home.
The selection of Albania for the empirical analysis is due to the fact that it is a country of mass emigration and because in some aspects it shows to be unique not only among the European countries but even when compared to the other countries of East Europe and Central Asia (ECA). At the end of this thesis is analyzed the impact of remittances sent back home from individuals living abroad on the current income of household members living in Albania. The empirical result that comes out confirms the widespread evidence on the positive impact of sending remittance ...

Grado di Innovazione:
In my opinion this thesis presents a particular aspect of life which affects both developed and developing countries. Migration is an important phenomenon and governments are turning to be more and more conscious about it. It is true that migration and its aspects, including the relevance of remittances, need more observation and control from the economists and politicians all over the world.

Per ulteriori informazioni su questa e sulle altre Tesi Accededere all’Area Riservata o Registrarsi. Migration, Remittance, International, country, Western Union, LSMS, income, poverty, Europe, Albania, approach, trend, regression, model.